Tuesday 29 October 2013

t o g e t h e r

Our story 'Open Up The Gates' is a tale told to us by an old tramp, who walked the streets of a city not far from here for many years, he showed us that there is another world in the shadows of this one, where demons and angels are at play, where police stations and courts of justice can become otherworldly temples of insurrection, where tramps can become Kings. That what we take as being solid and real, is less substantial than we might think, and what we take to be imagination or fancy, has more power than we might imagine. All these things he showed us, and more besides. Before he left our lives, he told us one last story, of our deep connection to each other, and the Earth from which we are sprung, we have paraphrased his last tale, and set it to a dancing beat, for all your dancing feet. It's called 'Together' or 'The Tramps Farewell'.

Now my friends I have to go
So let me show you the direction home
We'll keep our farewells short and our goodbye's sweet
For I am a man with travelling feet
And have many more people that I must meet
To show them the way to the old gate keep
And give them the keys to the meaning they seek
For there's many that are lost int he deepest of sleeps
Each one of them seeking a way to be free
I give you my blessing to be a vessel indeed
And wake these sleepers from their dreams
Tell them all what you have seen
Speak with confidence speak with authority
Speak from your heartfelt love and humanity
Trust in the path that you walk eyes open
Breathe in the belly relax and stay focussed
And if you ever feel the need to call on me
I'll be there in the blink of an eye you'll see
For the body is strong but the spirit is stronger 
And my spirit is with you where ever you wonder
Just picture me in the minds eye vivid
And repeat after me when I sing this lyric
Together we become
Together we become

Together we grow become stronger 
Together we learn become wiser
Together we stand together we build
Together we can together we will
Together anything is possible
Together we're real
Together we're building these bridges
And together we heal
Together we become
Together we become

You've done so well to come this far
Staying alive body and soul mind and heart
The hand that I offered you can always hold
Extend the offer to another let them know they're not alone
For we are all in this together on a fundamental level
All children of a mother need food in our bellies
Heart beat in our chest blood flow in our veins
Of the animals that live and breathe you can say the same
ANd the plants and vegetation are part of the same chain
Driven by DNA and energy exchange
One family of life on this planet Earth
Bound to each other in the moment of our birth
Wholly dependent on the efforts of another for our living
If the bees ever stop buzzing then everything will be finished
If the trees stop breathing then we'll really know our limits
And imagine what'll happen if the Earth stops spinning
All creation is connected and there's no escaping from it
So its better to embrace it find a way to come to love it
Every action that you make has an impact undiscovered
And you are held and supported by the actions of another
So picture this in the minds eye vivid
And repeat after me when I sing this lyric
Together we become 
Together we become

One more thing I have to tell you
Before I vanish in the haze
How to find you rway back home again
From the myriad of ways
There are you could be walking
Well there is one that you may choose
And its easy how to find it
When you know what to do
Remember when the feet are the servants of the mind
And the mind is a servant of the heart
And the heart is full of love for the Earth
In this way you will stay on your path
Remember when the feet are the servants of the mind
And the mind is a servant of the heart
And the heart is full of love for the Earth
In this way you will find your way Home

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